All sessions with Isaiah Rascoe assistant basketball coach at Lewis Mills HS. Drop ins will be able to have individualized workout plans to work on with instruction from Isaiah. All participants need to register to get into the program and then payment will be based on sessions attended.

COED sessions by grade:

Sessions #1 ($20/day)

Daily Rate $20
(Monday – Thursday only 3:30pm-5:00pm)

September 9th- November 21st

Sessions #2 ($75/5 days)

5 sessions for $75
(Monday – Thursday only 3:30pm-5:00pm)

September 9th- November 21st

Checks can be made out to: Bristol Sports Armory

Please Mail to:

Bristol Sports Armory
C/O: Bunty Ray
276 Fern Hill Rd
Bristol, CT 06010

    OPEN - Session 1, 1 Day -> 250 Slots Available
    OPEN - Session 2, 5 Days -> 48 Slots Available

    Items marked * are required...

    Participant Information:

    Parent/Guardian Information:
